Artificial Intelligence with Human Decision-Making: Advantages and Implications

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), a lot of tasks and processes, that were earlier performed or carried out by human beings, started getting automated. The use of AI in one such place of great influence making a difference is in decision-making. This sets off a debate regarding the role of AI in decision-making and its consequences for the future.

Sometimes AI decision-making is better than human

AI decision-making can be better than human decision-making in situations where there are vast reams of data to be analyzed and processed.

For instance, AI can, in medical diagnosis, garner an analysis of vast reams of information that concerns patients to provide more accurate diagnoses than a human doctor.

Similarly, AI algorithms in financial trading can analyze market trends and execute trades at a faster and more accurate pace than human traders.

While mulling over self-driving cars, one expects AI to process huge data from sensors and cameras against split-second decisions that would prevent an accident.

Is AI decision-making free from biases? 

One way that AI decision-making can be free of human biases is through careful selection and curation of the data used to train AI algorithms.

One shall ensure very diverse, representative data from the population and the absence of any kind of biases in it.

Moreover, periodic testing and auditing of AI algorithms are to be carried out to discover and rectify any biases added in the training phase.

Finally, a diverse group of people being involved in developing and testing the artificial intelligence system may also help in pointing out and thus avoiding probable biases.

Advantages and Implications 

The pros and cons of AI vs. human decision-making essentially make either of them appropriate for different contexts of decisions.

While AI may be consistent, quick, accurate, and unbiased in some cases, human decision-making would be more fitting under situations that require intuition, creativity, and context.

Advantages of AI Decision-Making

Application of AI in decision-making confers several advantages over human decision-making. These advantages include:


AI can make decisions without emotional and cognitive biases that characterize human decision-making.

This shows that AI can make similar decisions each and every time under the same situations.


AI processes bulk data in the blink of an eye and executes a decision much faster than any human.

This comes in handy when the situation demands urgency, like financial trading or while reacting to some emergency.


AI is capable of making decisions better than human beings, especially in confusing technical areas.

This can be so because AI will analyze vast amounts of data and pick out patterns that elude the human eye.

No fatigue

AI will not get tired hence it can always make a decision, and usually accurately, over long periods.

Implications of AI Decision-Making

Despite its advantages, AI decision-making also has some limitations. These limitations include:

Lack of judgment and intuition

AI lacks human judgment and intuition that comes with experience and deep understanding of context. 

Inability to adapt to novel situations

As AI is programmed to make decisions based on patterns in data, it may be incapable of handling Absolutely New situations it has not seen before.

Risk of bias

AI can also become biased if trained on biased data, which may in turn produce unfair decisions in very important aspects, such as employment and lending.

Advantages of Human Decision-Making

Also, there are several advantages of human decision-making over AI decision-making. Some of these advantages include:

Understanding of context

Humans have the understanding of the context in which the decisions have to be made and take into account factors that may not have entered the data.


Humans can use their creativity and imagination to come up with innovative solutions to problems.

Implications of Human Decision-Making

Human decision-making is also not devoid of its drawbacks. Some of these limitations include:

Emotional and cognitive biases

Humans carry biases that may monopolize and affect their decisions, for example, confirmation bias and anchoring bias.


Human decision-making is subjective and mostly based on individual points of view and opinion.


A human mind is prone to fatigue, which can lead to mistakes and bad decisions.

Ethical concerns rising out of AI decision-making

Several ethical concerns could result from the use of AI in decision-making. First, it is believed that the algorithms applied by the AI system are bound to create some biased results, hence leading to unfair or discriminatory decisions.

Furthermore, there is the problem of accountability—who is liable should an AI system reach a decision with disastrous results?

A number of people have also begun to raise concerns about privacy and data protection due to the fact that AI normally requires huge amounts of personal data to make any decisions at all.

Finally, comes the question of transparency: how do we ensure that AI systems make decisions that are understandable and explainable to humans?


As AI in the spheres of decision-making is applied increasingly more, it will bring great care over ethics and principles regarding bias, fairness, and so on. However, in principle, one wants to see the optimal engagement of AI and human decision-making: to find a balance in their interaction that secures maximum positive effect and minimizes limitations.

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