Eleven bad habits play a prime role in increasing belly fat

Body fat gets accumulated at the wrong places. It increases different types of health risks. It’s not very easy to lose body fat. Some of our habits may play a major role in increasing it. The habits, some of which we may have known about, but not getting rid of. There are some more habits; these are along with playing a prime role in increasing belly fat. Let’s know what these habits are:

  1. Sitting for a long time
  2. Taking late breakfast
  3. Focus on the other side while eating
  4. Taking food fast
  5. Eating on a big plate
  6. White flour and white rice
  7. Low-fat food
  8. Lacking awareness
  9. Mental stress
  10. Less sleep
  11. Reluctance to regular exercise

Sitting for a long time 

Sitting for long periods can contribute to the accumulation of belly fat. Leading a sedentary lifestyle can slow down your metabolism and lead to weight gain, especially around the abdominal area.

It’s important to incorporate movement and regular exercise into your routine to combat the effects of prolonged sitting.

Late Breakfast

Many of us directly take lunch skipping breakfast. Giving up a meal is one of the causes of weight gain.

In this time, we are much more hungry. As a result, eating unhealthy food or over-eating increases.

So, if somehow a meal is missed, we should not overeat or eat unhealthy foods. 

Focus on the other side while eating 

The time of doing other work or watching TV, the focus on eating is less. And there is no count how much food you are taking, even often it causes overeating.

We should also avoid eating tasty food like snacks or fried food during other activities or watching TV.

We know fried food or snacks are very harmful to health. So find some time to eat attentively and avoid this habit.  

Eating fast 

Many of the people eat fast. This is a vital cause to contribute to the accumulation of belly fat.

We know, the brain needs about 20 minutes to inform whether the stomach is full or not.

Also, there is an overeating risk if we eat too fast. So we must have to give up this habit and eat slowly with attention to food.

Eating on a large plate

Taking food on a large plate is harmful. Because, most of the time, it is seen that, when we sit to take food on a large plate, we cannot give up, even if the stomach is full.

And for maintaining courtesy, we have to finish food on the plate.

As a result, food is consumed in the stomach more the necessity. So Let’s try to eat small plates and certain amounts of food.

White flour and white rice

White rice and white flour can be the cause of belly fat. Because fibre and nutrients are taken out of them.

To digest food accurately fibre does help us. On the other hand, after removing the fibre, foods are digested faster. As a result, blood sugar levels go up rapidly.

Different studies say, that more processed grains such as white flour and white rice are connected with fat accumulation.

On the other hand, eating more brown rice and brown flour or whole grains keeps fat under control.

Low Fat Food

Many of the people like low-fat food. They think, to keep weight under control, low-fat food is helpful.

But it is a wrong concept. Because the fat is thrown away from the food. Most of the time, to make food tasty, extra sugar is added.

As a result, extra calories go into the body, which then causes an accumulation of fat in the lower abdomen.

Lacking Awareness

Just to show courtesy, we take more food. If we are forced by someone to take more food on the plate, we eat whole food.

When we meet with friends, although we are not hungry, we sit together and order something in the restaurant or any other place.

This affects badly our health. For that’s why, we have to be aware of eating food.

Mental stress

Day after day, when we are stressed, a hormone called cortisol is released. Cortisol also plays a vital role in increasing abdominal fat compared to other areas of the body.

This is called central adipose in medical terms. Cortisol raises another hormone in the body that increases appetite.

So it is very important to stay away from stress. Get enough sleep, exercise regularly, meditate and do your favourite work to lessen stress.

If needed, go to a mental health professional to get help.

Less sleep

Some studies showed that less sleep is associated with weight gain. When we wake up at night feeling hungry. Then we take extra food.

Naturally unhealthy food is often taken at night when to feel hungry. Besides that, stress increases due to lacking regular sleep. And this stress can cause excess fat.

Reluctance to regular exercise

It’s caused by the belly fat accumulation by lying or sitting idle. Also, regular exercise reluctance is responsible for the accumulation of belly fat.

The walk every day for 30 minutes, five days a week, can prevent many diseases from happening, including abdominal accumulation of fat.


Keeping stomach trim can extend life in addition to making us look fantastic. Increased risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease is associated with larger waistlines. Reducing weight, particularly adipose tissue, also enhances blood vessel health and elevates the quality of sleep. We can lose belly fat by changing our lifestyle, improving our diet, and exercising more.

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