Reasons of Natural Disasters: What We Should Do

The earthquake, storm, cyclones, floods, epidemics, famine and all disasters come to the world by a natural way. Every event happens by the order of Allah. He is one and only. And the owner of everything. Among all the creation, Allah has created people as the best. Almighty Allah warns people with these dangers and calamities. So that, they come back to the write way.

The Holy Qur’an Says

Almighty Allah has sent down several verses of the Holy Qur’an to warn people about epidemics and cyclones.

He says : disasters spread on soil and water due to misdeeds of human being. Because Allah wants them to taste the punishment for their activities, so that they can return.

In another verses Allah says, ‘Surely I will test you with hunger, fear, loss of property and life, and destruction of crops. But good news for those who are patient.

What Prophet Mohammad says

Whenever natural calamities occurred, Prophet Mohammad (SM) used to get upset and advise the companions to repent and guide them to be free from these disasters.

He says, Allah imposes these torments due to some activities of people. The causes of natural disasters and epidemics are:

  • When the obscene breaks out among the nation, there is an outbreak of new disease in epidemic form, which are not seen before.
  • Famines and dire calamities descend upon a nation when they tampers with measures and weights.
  • When people does not pay Zakat properly, the rain is stopped from the sky. And it would never rain again, if there were no four-footed animals and inanimate animals on the world.
  • If a nation does not obey the covenant of Allah and His Messenger, Allah sends  foreign enemy rule over them. And they take away the assets with the help of ruling people.
  • And when the rulers do not settle according to the holy Qur’an and do not accept the decrees revealed by Allah, then they are engaged to fight each other.

The directions of the verses of the Holy Qur’an and the Hadiths mentioned above prove that different type of calamities spread in the world due to the sins of people. These torments are sometimes cyclones in the sea, tidal waves, storms, draught, earthquake, unknown epidemics and illegal war among the nations.

What we should do during natural disasters

Almighty Allah has created the nature for us. He guides and controls everything. Almighty has decorated the nature on the earth beautifully for living all animals including humans.

However, sometimes nature takes an adverse form by the order of the creator, what we call natural disasters. In these natural calamities we should do works :

Repentance to Almighty Allah

In the time of natural calamities, we should perform some Sunnah practices. Hadith Sharif states that, during the disasters everyone should repent to Allah.

Pray to Him for safety and ask for forgiveness. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) instructed and said, Remember Allah quickly and repent to Him.

It is Sunnah to say the Takbeer (Allahu Akbar [Allah is great]) and give the Azan when there is an outbreak of storms. (However, it is not necessary to say the two words ‘Hayya Alas Salah’ [Come to prayer] and ‘Hayya Alal Falah’ [Come to success] in this Azan).

The companions of the Prophet used to perform prayer and be patient in the torments.

Our all deeds must be purified 

Allah has created humans as the best creation. He does not want to punish anyone unnecessarily. The cause of natural disasters is the displeasure of Allah.

In order to escape from the punishment of Allah, our deeds must be purified.

Those deeds which please Allah, should be performed more and more. Prayers, recitation the Qur’an, charity, etc, etc. It is stated in Hadith Sharif, “Charity quenches the displeasure of Allah and prevents immortality”.

To be patient

Allah takes test of people giving some dangers and disasters. But good news for those patients who say in their distress, “Surely we belong to Allah and we will return to Allah,” upon them is forgiveness and mercy from their Lord, and they are on right way.

One of the most tragic forms of natural disasters is lightning, which is a manifestation of the power and wrath of the Almighty Allah. Regarding this, the Qur’an al-Majid says: ‘The thunder proclaims His praiseworthy majesty and holiness, and the angels fear Him (describing praise and holiness).

He conjures lightning and strikes whomever He wills. And they argue about Allah, while He is Mighty.

Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) narrates that the Prophet (S.A.W.) used to recite this supplication to protect from the damage caused by thunder lightning, ‘O Allah! Do not exhaust us with glory, do not destroy us with punishment; Forgive us in advance.

Stand beside disaster-affected people

At this time, we must have to stand next to the disaster-affected people. We will try to arrange food and shelter for them. We know, It is very difficult to rescue them from this situation. But It is a golden opportunity to attain the pleasure of Almighty Allah.

Because those people who are kind to Allah’s creation, Allah will be kind to them. On the authority of Abdullah Ibn Amr (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Allah, the Merciful, has mercy on the merciful.”

So we must stand by the disaster-hit people according to our ability. And to save the people including ourselves from every types of calamity, we ought to repent more and more for our sins.


The only way to get rid of every type of danger including calamities is to give up misdeeds. We should repent more and more, ask for forgiveness and come back to the straight path of Almighty Allah. Only then, we expect, Allah may protect us from all dangers and disasters. Therefore, we ought beg the straight way to Allah and avoid every misdoing to escape punishment from Him.

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